
2015 | Issue 1

Written by Marc Whitehead | Mar 27, 2024

Welcome to the first edition of the $uccessful Barrister, a light hearted newsletter for lawyers seeking to improve their practices and their lives. Each month (assuming I have the time and money) we will explore topics regarding the marketing and management of a small law firm. Sprinkled in will be general items regarding how to live a better life. Most of this will be from my personal perspective, but I invite contributions from others as well (that means YOU!) For the past ten years, I have made a concerted effort to learn how to run a law practice (for the first 12 years I was just chasing my tail). I now want to share some of the things I have learned and at the same time gently remind you to send me referrals. If you know anyone you think would benefit from this newsletter, please email me their contact information at and I will be glad to add them to my mailing list. Enjoy!