2019 | Issue 2

To the latest edition of The $uccessful Barrister! In this issue we explore various topics like negotiation, leadership and even how to make your own kick-ass newsletter. As always, we are always looking to enrich more people's lives and send them this esteemed publication. Email me at marc@marcwhitehead.com if you have someone who you think would benefit from receiving our newsletter. 

2024 | Issue 3

2024 | Issue 3

Last quarter, MWA’s Core Values got a facelift. And what better way to celebrate than to make everyone churn out an article? In this issue, we’re...

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2024 | Issue 2

2024 | Issue 2

Research Shows... that only 9% of Americans that make New Years resolutions are successful in implementing them into their lifestyle. Along with...

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2024 | Issue 1

2024 | Issue 1

Research Shows... that only 9% of Americans that make New Years resolutions are successful in implementing them into their lifestyle. Along with...

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