2021 | Issue 1

2021 has finally arrived! Time to put the past behind us and move forward anew. Before you let go of the past, take the time to learn from the last year. Hopefully this issue provides some inspiration for reflection on the trials and tribulations of 2020. 

After your reflection, go download and listen to my new podcast with PILMMA, Grow Your Law Firm - Details on Page 7. And send me those disability referrals (send via e-mail to Marc@marcwhitehead.com). I'm still your go-to for those!

2024 | Issue 3

2024 | Issue 3

Last quarter, MWA’s Core Values got a facelift. And what better way to celebrate than to make everyone churn out an article? In this issue, we’re...

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2024 | Issue 2

2024 | Issue 2

Research Shows... that only 9% of Americans that make New Years resolutions are successful in implementing them into their lifestyle. Along with...

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2024 | Issue 1

2024 | Issue 1

Research Shows... that only 9% of Americans that make New Years resolutions are successful in implementing them into their lifestyle. Along with...

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