1 min read

2021 | Issue 2

If the pandemic has showed us anything, it's that reinvention is the key to survival in this world. With hopefully this madness coming to a close this year, now's a good time to take a step back and decide what other areas of your life and practice you can reinvent yourself. All the things done last year and early this year were done out of sheer necessity. Now's a good time to dig deep and come up with the life changing goals and projects you have in mind for your firm. Hopefully this issue gets the creative juices flowing and points you in a good direction to better yourself. While you're bettering your practice, you can always better mine by sending me Long-Term Disability referrals. A referral fee is paid in appropriate cases, and ask me about our VIP lane system to ensure your referrals are treated with the utmost care by me and my talented staff. 

2024 | Issue 3

2024 | Issue 3

Last quarter, MWA’s Core Values got a facelift. And what better way to celebrate than to make everyone churn out an article? In this issue, we’re...

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2024 | Issue 2

2024 | Issue 2

Research Shows... that only 9% of Americans that make New Years resolutions are successful in implementing them into their lifestyle. Along with...

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2024 | Issue 1

2024 | Issue 1

Research Shows... that only 9% of Americans that make New Years resolutions are successful in implementing them into their lifestyle. Along with...

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