2022 | Issue 1

Howdy. It's Oscar season, so in that spirit this edition of the Successful Barrister will be movie themed. So where is my golden statue anyway? Being famous in the legal world yields a large marketing ROI. I have invested over the years in becoming known as The Disability Benefits Lawyer. As a result, you all send me (usually) quality disability referrals. Hopefully I've become famous not only for handling Social Security and Veterans Disability but as the go-to for Long-Term Disability Insurance Claims. It is, after all, more fun to sue insurance companies than anything else. Send them my way and we hopefully can send you a referral fee. In the meantime, enjoy this issue of the Barrister.

2024 | Issue 3

2024 | Issue 3

Last quarter, MWA’s Core Values got a facelift. And what better way to celebrate than to make everyone churn out an article? In this issue, we’re...

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2024 | Issue 2

2024 | Issue 2

Research Shows... that only 9% of Americans that make New Years resolutions are successful in implementing them into their lifestyle. Along with...

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2024 | Issue 1

2024 | Issue 1

Research Shows... that only 9% of Americans that make New Years resolutions are successful in implementing them into their lifestyle. Along with...

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