Marc Whitehead

Barrister (3)-1

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In the labyrinthine world of law, where billable hours tick away faster than a caffeine-fueled legal debate, Marc found himself pondering a burning question: How could he share his hard-earned wisdom with fellow attorneys without resorting to interpretative dance or carrier pigeons? It was 2015, and Marc had been slinging legalese since 1992, amassing a treasure trove of insights, advice, and, let's face it, a few cautionary tales.Enter "$uccessful Barrister," the brainchild that no one could quite recall whose noggin it sprouted from. Was it Marc's stroke of genius, or did it emerge from the ether of a particularly caffeine-heavy partner meeting? The origins might be shrouded in mystery, but the mission was crystal clear: Create a newsletter that would be the legal community's answer to both the Dead Sea Scrolls and the latest viral cat video.

Marc, armed with nothing but a laptop, a dream, and a dash of snark, set out to make "$uccessful Barrister" the go-to resource for attorneys in search of enlightenment—or at least a good laugh at the quirks of legal life. He assembled a motley crew of writers, legal eagles, and witty wordsmiths, each eager to contribute their two cents—or legal jargon, as the case may be—to this groundbreaking publication.

The inaugural issue of "$uccessful Barrister" hit inboxes like a breath of fresh air in a stuffy courtroom. Attorneys rejoiced at the sight of a newsletter that spoke their language—minus the Latin phrases and cryptic footnotes. Finally, a publication that tackled the burning questions of legal practice with wit, wisdom, and just the right amount of irreverence.

As the issues rolled out, "$uccessful Barrister" quickly became the talk of the legal town. It wasn't just a newsletter; it was a movement—a snarky, insightful, occasionally eyebrow-raising movement that dared to challenge the status quo of legal publishing. Marc and his merry band of contributors pulled no punches, tackling everything from the nuances of legal ethics to the eternal struggle of finding the perfect courtroom attire.

Over the years, "$uccessful Barrister" continued to evolve, adapting to the ever-changing landscape of the legal world while staying true to its roots of informative snark. Webinars were hosted, networking events were organized, and more than a few lawyers found themselves uttering the phrase, "Did you read that in '$uccessful Barrister'?" in hushed, reverent tones.

Today, "$uccessful Barrister" stands as a testament to Marc's vision and the power of a good snark-infused legal newsletter. It remains a beacon of knowledge, inspiration, and the occasional eye-roll-inducing pun for attorneys across the globe. So here's to Marc, the mystery muse, and the vibrant community of legal eagles who make "$uccessful Barrister" the success story it was always destined to be. Cheers to legal wisdom, one snarky newsletter at a time!

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Past $uccessful Barrister Issues

2022 | Issue 1

Howdy. It's Oscar season, so in that spirit this edition of the Successful Barrister will be movie themed. So where is my golden statue anyway? Being...

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2021 | Issue 5

Merry Christmas! I'm not sure how, but I landed on the nice list this year. And as such, I really only want one thing for Christmas (and forevermore...

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2021 | Issue 4

Happy Halloween! The scariest time of the year is upon us... no I'm not talking about Halloween, I am talking about the end of the year that is...

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2021 | Issue 3

Summer is here and Covid is exiting stage left. Now is the perfect time to de-stress after a particularly tumultuous year. Vacation is the obvious...

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2021 | Issue 2

If the pandemic has showed us anything, it's that reinvention is the key to survival in this world. With hopefully this madness coming to a close...

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2021 | Issue 1

2021 has finally arrived! Time to put the past behind us and move forward anew. Before you let go of the past, take the time to learn from the last...

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2020 | Issue 6

It's Herrreeee! 2020 has finally come to its long and painful conclusion. Hopefully this issue of The $uccessful Barrister will bring some holiday...

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2020 | Issue 5

You've been Boo'D! I know you just finished receiving our previous edition, but we simply could not pass up the opportunity to dress up (if even just...

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2020 | Issue 4

Welcome to another COVID-DEAYED issue of The $uccessful Barrister. We are still in 2020 and everyone here at Marc Whitehead and Associates are still...

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2020 | Issue 3

Welcome to the Covid-Delayed issue of the $uccessful Barrister! Our team is scattered across the city of Houston yet still working hard, helping our...

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